Any immigration policy should start by stating that there should be an overall benefit to our nation. Priority should be given to skills needed for the development of our Nation.
Next it is necessary to determine the cultural background of our immigration intake. It is reasonable to assume that people of a particular cultural background would favour immigrants from the same cultural background. In view of the fact that the government is supposed to serve the people then the government should fulfil the wishes of the people by favouring immigrants from the same cultural background. The government has no business pushing multi-culturalism against the wishes of the people as has been happening through the intrigues of the Banker’s (Globalists, Deep State etc.) 5th column within our system. The Bankers (Globalists, Deep State etc.) push for multiculturalism is of cause part of their plan to destabilize our society by creating division. Their plan is greatly assisted by some politicians spreading lies and hate against our Muslim fellow citizens.
We already have a multicultural society so we have to work with what we have. The people from diverse cultural backgrounds who are now Australian citizens are entitled to the same consideration as the rest of us. This includes the right to new immigrants from their particular cultural background. This would of cause include family reunion. The Immigration intake should reflect the existing proportions in relation to cultural background. The idea of banning Muslim immigration is a nonsense as it discriminates against that part of our citizenship who have a Muslim cultural background. Do we want to be an Apartheid State where we have different classes of citizen?
This gives rise to the question of how are they going to fit in and help keep Australia the greatest place on Earth. I believe in integration and not necessarily full assimilation. When have we ever had that in Australia? Immigrants have to be encouraged to feel part of Australian society, not vilified with lies and hate by politicians attempting to advance their careers by appealing to the base instincts of some voters. People like Hazem El Masri devout Muslim and champion Bulldogs and Australian Rugby League player are a big help. Also, Emma Eros the Muslim lady joining One Nation is a big help. I don’t think the burka is a good idea for Australia. The idea of Sharia law being introduced in Australia is a nonsense. Sharia law is a body of Koran-based guidance for living for Muslims, not a body of laws. It is like Jesus saying to Christians “Love God and Love your fellow human beings.” In any event the Muslim religion requires its followers to obey the laws of the nation they live in. Above all the Australian tradition of giving the other bloke a Fair Go regardless of race, colour or creed is what makes our Nation of immigrants what it is.
We certainly don’t want to import a bunch of freeloaders. I believe that immigrants should not be allowed to avail themselves of the welfare system immediately but the conditions must be such as to make this feasible. In other words, there need to be jobs available. There could even be special development zones where they are encouraged to live for a certain period of time. Anyway, with a People’s Bank issuing debt free money we can easily initiate any number of infrastructure projects, community projects and new industries to provide all the work necessary with good wages.
There is also a place for what might be termed humanitarian immigration. This would include people from Nations less fortunate than ours. The new citizens from these countries could by working in Australia help their families back home. This helps uplift those countries. Of cause the best way to do that is to set an example of how a country can prosper by throwing off the parasite Bankers (Globalists, Deep State etc.). Remember what the Banker controlled London Times said when Lincoln introduced the debt free Greenbacks in the USA:- “If this ….… financial policy, which has its origin in North America, shall become …….. a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the world.”
We also have a moral obligation to treat genuine refugees humanely by processing their applications quickly. Particularly in view of the fact that in a lot of cases their plight has been caused by our allies with our help. With a People’s Bank the argument of lack of money to process refugee applications quickly goes away.
John Woodward
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